Transición energética Democrática

For a Real Energy Transition

Much has been said about the Climatic Emergency throughout this last month. The tenacity with which Greta Thunberg defends the State of Climate Emergency adds to the appearance of new movements and environmental groups that join the existing ones, to raise their voice in defense of the environment. They fight in search of this Declaration…

For those who trust EndeF and solar energy

For those who have executed a self-consumption photovoltaic installation in their home. For those who have placed solar panels in an isolated installation from the electricity grid. For those who already produce their electricity thanks to a renewable and sustainable energy source such as the sun. For those who also get heat for their home…

EuroSun 2018

EndeF at the EuroSun 2018

We are very pleased to announce our participation in the 12th edition of the “International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry”, the EuroSun 2018. It is a forum where scientists, engineers, architects and representatives of industry and companies present and discuss their latest discoveries, developments and prospects for the future. This time it’s…