For those who have executed a self-consumption photovoltaic installation in their home.
For those who have placed solar panels in an isolated installation from the electricity grid.
For those who already produce their electricity thanks to a renewable and sustainable energy source such as the sun.
For those who also get heat for their home from the sun.
For those who achieve both with ECOMESH or ECOVOLT hybrid solar panels.
For those who have developed a project based on solar energy.
For those who have opted to be an active part of the Energy Transition from the municipalities for and by the people.
For those who have not stopped researching new applications in the solar field.
For those who manage to bring new contributions and improvements to the sector thanks to R&D.
For those who have been curious to learn more about innovative products such as hybrid solar panels.
For those who have awakened their desire to learn about solar energy thanks to our blog.
For those who have decided to undergo an energy audit in search of the greatest possible energy and economic savings.
For those who have started to control their energy consumption with a monitoring system.
For those who save on the electricity bill of their home thanks to solar energy.
For those who have started doing it also in their business.
For those who have been excited with the elimination of the “Sun Tax” and RD 900/2015.
For those who look at shared consumption with enthusiasm.
For those who see solar energy as the energy of the future.
For those who have opted for solar energy from our hands.
For those who trust EndeF and accompany us.
For all of you, nothing to say but “THANK YOU”. Because thanks to you, we have been able to execute exciting projects in all our business areas, being able to contribute our bit to the development and expansion of solar energy.